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Sleep, Breathing, & Tongue-Tie 


Lecture Files

These multimedia lecture files are made available for general educational purposes only for face-to-face instruction, directed self-study, or remote instruction at non-profit educational institutions.  The information in these lecture files may not be relied upon as a substitute for peer-reviewed clinical guidelines, publications, or textbooks. The materials contained in these files were obtained either from the web and/or original work of the author or colleagues.


These resources may be used by use freely as educational tools. However, we ask that you reference Dr. Soroush Zaghi at The Breathe Institute  or the appropriate individuals if you choose to make use of these materials.


See more at:

** Newest Advances Based on Recent Research Studies at The Breathe Institute **

Five Steps of Assessment: "Do I have a tongue-tie?"
Tongue-Tie vs. Tongue-Space
Sleep and Airway: Q&A With Dr. Zaghi
Introductory Lectures
Research Training: Ethical Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
Additional Resources
Dr. Zaghi's Updates from ALSC’s Breathe and Thrive Symposium 2023
Dr. Coppleson's MIND Webinar
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