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Educational Resources


Research article, lecture videos, testimonials & demonstrations.  


 Role of myofunctional therapy in the treatment of tongue-tie


Compensation for tongue-tie impacts the fascia system.


Frequently Asked Questions

TRMR TIP and LPS.jpg
Lingual Palatal Suction: Entire tongue should rest up against the palate. 
Lingual Palatal Suction- entire tongue should rest up against the palate
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Negative Pressure - Suction Cup Effect High Resting Tongue Position.JP

Suction Cup Effect with High Resting Tongue Posture and Lips Closed. When the lips are sealed and the tongue is pressed up against the palate, intraoral pressure dynamics will help support high tongue posture during natural resting condition. This helps improve nasal breathing, reduce mouth breathing and snoring, as well as improve tongue-base obstruction, and positional sleep apnea and/or UARS. 

Myofunctional therapy and lingual frenuloplasty can help patients with low tongue position associated with functional ankyloglossia (tongue-tie).

Reference: Engelke, W., Jung, K. and Knösel, M., 2011. Intra-oral compartment pressures: a biofunctional model and experimental measurements under different conditions of posture. Clinical oral investigations, 15(2), pp.165-176.

Tongue suction
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Vertical maxillary growth ("gummy smile") often results from low tongue posture.  

Maxillary Deficiency


Maxillary Deficiency

Anterior- Posterior

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Detailed TRMR.jpg
Five Steps of Assessment: "Do I have a tongue-tie?"
Tongue-Tie vs. Tongue-Space

** Newest Advances Based on Recent Research Studies at The Breathe Institute **

Disclaimer: The instructional photos displayed here were found through google images.  These images are to be used for educational purposes only. The copyright holder must be contacted for any reproduction or commercial use. 

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